On Child Marriage: Kevin Swanson and Dave Bruehner Defend Phil Robertson

Kevin Swanson (and Dave Bruehner) have now publicly joined the ranks of Phil Robertson and Matthew Chapman in advocacy of child marriage.

Kevin Swanson (and Dave Bruehner) have now publicly joined the ranks of Phil Robertson and Matthew Chapman in defense of child marriage.

By R.L. Stollar, HA Community Coordinator

Kevin Swanson and Dave Bruehner have now publicly joined with Phil Robertson (in particular) and Matthew Chapman (in general) in defense of child marriage.

In their latest Generations with Vision broadcast, “Sexting and Christian Modesty,” Swanson and Bruehner propose that liberals want pre-teen and early teen girls “sexing” it up all over the place, whereas biblically-based Christians should want them… “sexing” it up at that age only in marriage?

Generations with Vision describes the program in the following way: “Public junior high schools are doing more sexting, and Kevin Swanson recommends a biblical view of womanhood and modesty for Christian families.”

Starting at the 13:45 mark, Swanson and Bruehner mount a defense of Phil Robertson’s advocacy for child marriage. Shortly thereafter, Swanson presents his own ideas about child marriage. The transcript of the section is as follows:


Kevin Swanson:

Remember that one concern people had over Duck Dynasty, when the guy came out and said the girls, 15 or 16 years of age, she’s able to get married, they got all mad. Because boy, you get a girl married at 15 or 16 years of age, that’s a sin!

Dave Bruehner:

Well it is because she doesn’t have a whole life of fornication ahead of her anymore.




I mean, there’s a whole junior high, soon to be a high school, there’s the staff, there’s the janitors, there’s… there’s the police department, there are so many sexual opportunities for a young woman that are cut off if she actually commits to one guy and tries to live a pure life.


Yeah! Yeah! So see, again, the liberals are really excited about getting the kids doing as much fornication as possible. But the rest of us are saying, “Hey, what about God’s law? What about God’s law?” By the way, nothing in God’s law that would prohibit a young girl who’s ready to get married, at 15 or 16 years of age — now it takes some wisdom, it takes some wisdom — but nothing in God’s law that forbids — it’s not like immoral. There’s nothing in God’s law: “it’s immoral for a 15 or 16 year old to get married.”

By the way, my grandmother was married at 15. I think it was 15. My grandmother on my father’s side was married at 15. It was during the Great Depression. Her father had died and her mother was trying to provide for the 5 kids or whatever. So you know it just made sense. She was 15 years old, she was ready to get married. So that kind of thing has happened, friends. But a sin! A sin in a modern world?

I mean, think about what the president of the Girl Scouts would say about this, Dave, if we said, “Hey, these 15 year old girls, 16 year old girls, they may be ready to get married. They don’t have to live these, you know, independent lifestyles.”


  • Despicable.

  • It’s despicable precisely because she doesn’t get a chance to finish her education. What happens if her husband dies, G-d forbid?!

    It has nothing to do with “a whole life of fornication ahead of her” at all.

    It’s all about letting the body fully develop and taking away risk factors of having babies too young for the body to support or adjust to. It is about allowing someone to psychologically develop to handle adult life. It’s about loving someone enough to be willing for them to be an *adult* and not a child before removing them from their parent’s home, ensuring they have good attachments to the primary caregivers in their lives before they fly free from the childhood nest.

    There are just so many risk factors involved with children getting married having children.

    • Headless Unicorn Guy

      It has nothing to do with “a whole life of fornication ahead of her” at all.

      Ever get the feeling these Mighty Menagawd(TM) are kind of obsessed with S*E*X?

      Maybe not to the level of the Demon-slash-Witch shipfic/slashfic of the Malleus Malefacarium (including how Witches steal men’s penises), but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.

      P.S. Is it just me, or does Kevin “Womb Tomb” Swanson resemble a younger Steven Hawking in that pic on top?

  • i assume they’re being dead serious, but the transcript reads so facetiously. says a lot about how obnoxious this whole thing is.

    • I used to think Dave and Kevin were not serious. I thought the were doing a Modest Proposal on us. But I’ve listened to enough episodes that I’m not certain they are serious. I am not sure Duck Dynasty is serious, though. I know he married young, though.

      • Headless Unicorn Guy

        Never underestimate a Dead Serious True Believer. They can carry things farther out on an extreme tangent than anything you or I can think of being facetious. Can’t get crazier than a real crazy.

      • Oh gosh. Do not like to think about it

  • Pingback: Child Marriage: I dodged the bullet | Bridging the Gap

  • Horrifying to read that transcript! Why are these people allowed loose in society? Saying such things about young girls, that they should be essentially raped by all the trusted adults in their life if they don’t get married young and start having regular sex with only their husband, that’s so sick. Unbelievably evil and perverse. And these men are “Christians”?!?!?!

    • They are applying the equivalent of Sharia law, only it’s not from the Quran, it’s from the Torah, the Old Testament. The only major difference between them and the Taliban is that they don’t run the country–though they dearly wish they did.

  • Well, following their argument along, shouldn’t young men marry at the age of 15 or 16 too, before they go to high school and “enjoy a whole life of fornication ahead” of him?

    I find it ironic that these men are so scared of women that they want to control them in every way possible – their education, their bodies, their thoughts. They are such scared little boys.

  • Pingback: Kevin Swanson and a Homeschool Conference: Weird Views on Early Marriage, Homosexuals and Virtue | The Wartburg Watch 2013

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  • Back when I was young, creeps like those were called dirty old men and we girls were warned to stay away from them…definitely not allow them to get us alone with them.

  • “I mean, there’s a whole junior high, soon to be a high school, there’s the staff, there’s the janitors, there’s… there’s the police department, there are so many sexual opportunities for a young woman that are cut off if she actually commits to one guy and tries to live a pure life.”

    Ummm so public school jr high girls are throwing themselves at janitors and Policemen???
    Girls have such a high sex drive they cannot control themselves and must be married off as young as possible so they don’t “fornicate” with every man they pass??

    And I’m sorry but if a janitor or cop hooks up with a jr high girl I’m not really sure that’s HER fault…pervs..,

    Or am I totally reading this wrong?

    • Right?! I found that totally creepy. I remember Jr. High & High School. Yeah, cops are cute to look at if they are on TV and famous, but real cops are always old and they pull you over for speeding. Janitors are always pushing a giant trash cans and they mop up vomit and the cafeteria. Grody to the max. Do kids still say stuff like that? Who knows. The point is (of course!) that they’re KIDS! Step off dudes.

  • Swanson looks like a peeping tom already, but then he opens his mouth and you can actually visualize him in a trench coat staring at children on the playground.

    When I was in a very strict christian high school we had this teacher that was always talking about modesty and sexual issues. Years latter he was fired after he fell through the ceiling over the girls locker room. Then he was arrested for peeping into a occupied building and indecent exposure. Basically he was caught masturbating while standing on a bunch of crates he stacked up so he could spy on women in a tanning salon. He bounced around christian schools until his wife finally divorced him.

    Kevin Swanson has the same creep factor as that guy. Whenever I see him the thought crosses my mind that someday something really out there will surface about the guy. He will get caught wearing his wife’s clothes or some weird leather mask/outfit at a rest stop. You just wait and see, the guy has PERV written all over his face.

  • “The liberals are really excited about getting the kids doing as much fornication as possible,” now that’s the language of an ass-backwards, dingbat! I also notice that they aren’t advocating 15 year old boys getting married!! I’m sure they want the young girls to marry older more “mature” men. No doubt they believe an older man will have a much easier time controlling the young girl and her hyper-sexual behaviour. Makes me sick.

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