Tag Archives: Child Protective Services

Then She Stood By the Brave

“I felt like I watched my childhood come full circle. The shame of not being “strong enough” to stand up to my dad was put to rest as I stood there being my siblings’ support. I went through what I had to so that I could be there for my siblings when they needed me. I am stronger now, I have the strength they needed to be able to be brave themselves.”

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Doug Phillips Resigns from Vision Forum, Cancels Speaking Events, Due to “Inappropriate” Relationship

“Earlier today, Doug Phillips resigned as president of Vision Forum and discontinued future speaking engagements. Doug Phillips is a former attorney for HSLDA. As an HSLDA attorney, he was the architect behind what is probably HSLDA’s most significant legal event: rallying opposition to H.R. 6. He also was one of the main speakers at the 2009 Men’s Leadership Summit. Phillips resigned because he ‘engaged in a lengthy, inappropriate relationship with a woman.'”

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