Tag Archives: To Break Down A Child (Pearl-Style Discipline Week)

Corporal Punishment and The End of The Red Stick: Heather Doney’s Story, Part Two

“The red stick had started out as a handle to a child-size broom and then when the broom broke 25 years ago, it became a toy (a walking stick, a bat, a pretend sword) left in the yard until my Dad picked it up off the patio one day, tapped it against his palm a few times and said, ‘This would make a real good spankin’ stick.'”

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When Hitting Means Love: Rochelle’s Story

“I remember the welts, the screaming, the bruising, the pain. The battle over my refusal to cry, and finally forcing tears to stop the spanking. I still get a sick feeling in my stomach thinking about my siblings screaming when they got spanked. My two year old sister getting spanked for not eating her food. My 10 year old brother getting spanked for not getting the table set in under 5 minutes.”

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